things i've drawn
things i've drawn

all i ever wanted was the world
i've always said that marina's album electra heart feels the way my bpd feels. this piece attempts to encapsulate that feeling.
2021, alcohol markers

yoga fairy in pisces
part of a series i've been doing of fairies in yoga poses. done under a pisces moon while meditating on crow pose. this pisces fairy wants to feel like she is floating.
2021, chalk pastels and water-based ink
all hail the may queen (after ari aster)​
my best friend annika's birthday is the first weekend in may. she's my taurus queen who bears a lifelong obsession with cults. she makes me feel held, and she is unafraid to tell me when my boyfriends do not. she is, in short, my may queen.
2020, alcohol markers and crayon wax
wishing you were somehow here again
this is my favorite scene from the phantom of the opera. i drew this on the first anniversary of my grandmother's death.
2019, alcohol markers
clisters (clown sisters)
two characters who live in my head that i can't quite figure out. they're both clowns. but they're different kinds of clowns.
2022, chalk pastels and water colors

boys will be bugs​
inspired by cavetown's song of the same name. this piece portrays the one and only steven quartz universe as he appears towards the end of the sequel series. at this point in his story, he's suppressed so much anger and trauma that he believes himself to be unloveable. he becomes a bug-like monster and is only saved when he allows himself to be held by his found family. cavetown's song speaks to a similar period in my life. when i thought that to survive i had to be unhold-able.
2020, chalk pastels and ink

body dysmorphia
self portraits carry different weight when you're not 100% sure what you look like.
2018, alcohol markers, mounted on cardboard

self portrait in the style of ocean eyes​
in the same way that marina's electra heart is an album that sounds like my bpd, i have often said that owl city's ocean eyes is an album that sounds like my autism. owl city's lyrics so accurately reflect the way that i experience the world that i sometimes think of my autism as my "ocean" eyes. this piece is how i feel listening to his music.
2021, digital

visual development for overgrown​
both the piece on the left and the one below were done as visual development art for my thesis film "overgrown." our protagonist rose is a nonverbal girl living in a mysterious enchanted garden.
2020, digital

lackadaisy ii​
lackadaisy is a character of mine based on a handmade clown doll i inherited from my dad's side of the family. the doll is made from a sock and quite honestly terrifying. it's almost unrecognizeable as a clown. but i recognize in it a quiet affection for clowns that has gone back through my family for generations. i think he deserves to be a real clown.
2021, digital
gracie and spike (after jane schoenbrun)​
commission done for a girl who really loves her cat. she likes to edit photos of him in space, and i found myself imagining them interlocked in a cosmic romance written in the stars. it glows in the dark like a jane schoenbrun film.
2024, chalk pastels, acrylics, watercolors, and glow-in-the-dark stars mounted on cardboard